Navigating Intuition versus Doubt as a Mother

As mothers, we are constantly being bombarded by waves of decisions—from what we are making for dinner (that the little ones will actually eat) to the educational paths that are best for our kids to various school issues to potential tantrum storms that we have to be on alert for. But when we are navigating all of these things; we can easily be consumed by overwhelm, letting doubts and fears creep in, diminishing our inner knowing of what is best to do when challenging situations arise.

Maybe you have yet to discover your *true* inner voice and what it feels like in your body. Or perhaps you have been in a high state of being overwhelmed and stressed for so long that you cannot trust any of the messages that you are getting.

In this post, I will share with you more about how I went against my intuition and how I came out on the other side with more clarity and confidence in my ability to trust the messages that I receive, as well as actionable steps you can take TODAY to gain the clarity you have been seeking on building a stronger intuition!

Let me start by sharing a little story to bring this to life

I was working at a private school, a place I thought was the best place for my children to get an outstanding education. However, there was constant inner knowing that this was not right for all of us. I pushed them down, but soon, my body started to react to all of the stress of this decision, and it took a toll not only on my health but also on our family's well-being. Late one night, in the quiet of my room, a thought emerged clear and strong from within, guiding me to the solution that just felt right. The thought, or knowing, was something I kept having, but that night, when all was quiet, when I had zero outside voices or distractions from scrolling my phone or anything else, it was CLEAR.

That moment was a powerful reminder that my intuition, my inner voice/higher self, was always there to lead the way; I just had to stop fighting against it. 

I bet if you sit still, you can also remember a time when you always knew what you were supposed to do but ignored the message because of external voices, inner doubt, and a whole bunch of other nonsense. I can guarantee you, though, that when you consistently follow these nudges, you will see so much shift internally and externally in your life! 

So, are you ready to let your intuition guide you —without doubting it ever again!? In this post, I will uncover the secrets to distinguishing between the guiding light of our intuition and the fog of doubt and fear. 


Tips on How to Start to Trust Your Inner Voice

Notice the Quality of the Message

Intuition feels like... A gentle breeze, a sense of calm, clarity, and grounding. It's that soft voice inside you pointing towards the right path.

Doubt and fear feel like... A stormy sea filled with tension, unease, and confusion.

✨ Tip: Take a moment to breathe deeply and sense the energy behind your feelings. Is it guiding you with a peaceful nudge or pushing you with anxious urgency?

Trust Your Gut Feeling

The wisdom within: Often, our intuition speaks through a strong gut sensation, a resonant "yes" that feels deeply right.

Embrace your inner compass: When something feels just right, even if it's not the obvious choice, it might be your intuition speaking.

Action Step: Next time you make a decision, pause and listen to your gut. What is it telling you?

Observe the Source of the Message

External vs. Internal: Fear and doubt usually come from outside – societal norms, overthinking things you see on social media, others' opinions, or past traumas. Intuition, however, is your own voice rising from within.

True to you: If the message aligns with your core values and inner truth, it's likely your intuition talking.

✨Reflect: Before making a decision, ask yourself, "Is this coming from me or from external pressures?" You might want to take out your journal and do some free writing for this question!

Reflect on the Long-term Impact

Immediate vs. Future: Fear reacts to the present moment, often urging quick, protective actions. Intuition takes a broader view, considering what's best in the long run.

Align with your goals: Does the decision support your long-term well-being and aspirations?

✨Consider: Think about the broader consequences of your choices. Are they in harmony with your long-term vision?

Practice Mindfulness and Self-awareness

Mindful moments: Regular mindfulness practices help us recognize and understand our emotional and mental states, making distinguishing between intuition and fear easier.

Awareness is key. The more aware you are of your thoughts and feelings, the clearer your inner voice will become.

✨Daily Habit: Incorporate mindfulness into your day, even if it's just a few minutes of focused breathing or a short walk in nature. My new favorite QiGong! It has done wonders to get me centered and able to hear my inner voice more (just do a quick search on YouTube, and you will find a bunch of exercises to try!)

Seek Quiet and Stillness

Silence speaks volumes: In the quiet, intuition finds its voice. Dedicate time for stillness, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Nurturing solitude: Activities like meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly can help your intuition emerge.

Practice: Carve out regular quiet time to connect with yourself. Notice what insights bubble up when you're not actively searching for answers.

Enhancing your intuition does take patience, care and attention. It is something that can easily get pushed aside to nuture, but the more you exercise it, like any muscle, it will get stronger! Come back to these steps as needed, and you'll grow more attuned to your inner wisdom, become more confident in the decisions you need to make for yourself and for your loved ones!

✨You’ve got this mama!✨

What *more* Support in Nuturing Your Intuition?

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7 Simple Tips to Master your Intuitive Development


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