Fuel Your Soul
a simple guidebook intentionally designed for mothers to reduce burnout and gain energy by refueling their body, mind, and soul. includes:
↠ Tips for setting a Morning and Evening Routine, including two worksheets
↠ Sample Meal Plan for Cleansing Your Body
↠ Prayers + Intentions
↠ Diffuser Recipes to recenter body after a long day
↠ Gentle Cleansing Recipes
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Goal & Intention Workbook
a free workbook to help you set your intentions and start making those dreams you have your reality. includes:
↠ Wheel of Life + dive deeper journal prompts
↠ Setting your yearly intentions
↠ Additional journal prompts to help you learn how to capture the emotional response to help make your dreams a reality
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Free download
3- Day Mama Reset
3-day beginner clean eating plan to increase energy and reduce stress. This eating plan also includes options for kids, practical ways to incorporate clean eating into your busy mothering days, and simple tips to get the most out of meal prepping.
↠ Read about the whole 3-Day Plan + get extra tips here
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